• (03) 9317 5019


Welcome to Marvel Finance

Secure your future with the right advice and loan

Whether you are looking at capital growth or rental income, property investment may be a great way to increase your wealth over a long period.
Marvel Finance Advisors will understand your goals and demonstrate how you can get the most out of your investment loan.
We complete all the necessary paperwork with you and negotiate with the lenders on your behalf.

We also help you answer these important questions:

  • What is the most appropriate type of investment loan?
  • What loan structure will deliver maximum return?
  • What are the other costs you need to be aware of?

Investing smartly in property can provide solid, tax-friendly returns and security. A key to success, and reducing risk, is finding a suitable loan and having expert guidance. That’s where a Marvel Finance Advisors expertise comes to the fore.

Help you reach your Investment property goals

Whether you’re a first-timer or an experienced property investor, your Smartline broker provides the expertise and answers you need to feel confident about your investment property loan and purchase.

One property or a portfolio? Short-term or long-term? Cash flow or capital growth? Your broker can walk you through loan options that will help you achieve your unique goals.

We ensure that we are always up to date with your financial situation, the economic landscape and your lifestyle, so that we can identify risks and make any necessary changes. That’s what we mean when we talk about individual tailored advice and solutions.

They’ll walk you through different scenarios and clearly explain how much you can borrow, all the costs involved, the potential risks, and what to expect at every step towards buying your investment property.

We have the answers to WHERE and HOW when it comes and maintaining your financial resources, but you have the most important question to answer: WHY? Investment loans are about really working out what your goals are. No matter where you are now on the financial timeline, whether you’re looking to buy your first home, start a family or you’re thinking about retirement, implementing an investment portfolio will get you one step closer to your long term goals.

We want you to feel that you are making the right decision, as well as feeling completely confident in the advice you have received.